Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Slight Address Change

Today's blog post is about the above (pictured) website and of course ALSO about the rowing session done today by yours truly.  To read more about the above (pictured) website either go directly to their website at or click the link to my new blog address (below) and read more there.

My blog has slightly moved.  It is at more or less the same address, but its web address is now shortened by a few letters.

Today's blog post can be found at THIS LINK and until further notice, all future blog posts for Ethereal Rowing will be at

Happy trails.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just Doing The Distance

Today the only goal was to ride the Concept 2 rail until the set distance was finished.  Took a few breaks, watched some video and TV.
finish screen

session report

Friday, May 20, 2016

Climbing A Hill

For today's rowing a distance of 13,500 meters was set.  The goal was to "climb a hill" with heart rate by adjusting effort so that by the time the distance was halfway done, heart rate would climb up beyond the top of the pink target zone for heart rate.  The top of the target zone was the upper edge of heart zone #2. After reaching the halfway point and getting heart rate slightly above HR zone 2, the second half of the session was used as a warm-down.
Today's finish screen.

session report

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Seven Spikes

Today's session was designed to be one hour in duration.  It was a set distance of 13,400 meters with a target heart rate of 145 + or - 12 bpm and it included seven sets of "power tens" - ten hard strokes, every 1,000 meters during the last half of the session.  After the last set of ten hard strokes, there was a warm down which consisted of rowing at a pace that was slow enough to bring the "projected finish" displayed on the C2's PM to slightly more than an hour.
today's finish screen
today's session report
 Happy trails.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Back To Normal Daily Heart Zones Again

This photo of an anonymous boy on a C2 gives you a sense of perspective and a reason to smile.  He will grow into it and get faster and stronger every year.
Yesterday was the last day of super-easy, no-target rowing sessions for a while.  The super-easy sessions were being done as a way of "recovering" from the marathon. Today's rowing session was an odd distance of 13,400 meters which was selected because I knew that if I used an effort that would keep heart rate somewhere in heart zone 1, it would take about an hour.  The goals were to row for an hour in heart zone 1 and/or heart zone 2. It was mostly in zone 1.
today's finish screen
Today's report

Happy trails.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Easy Rowing

This is not a picture of easy rowing.
The rehydration from the marathon is virtually complete.  This morning I was only about 1 1/2 pound lighter than before doing the marathon, so I'm going to call that negligible and well within the range of daily weight variation.

Today's rowing was easy.  Very easy, while watching videos and taking a couple of bathroom breaks which were probably made necessary because of the large mug of coffee before rowing.  It was a timed hour which amounted to less than 10K of actual rowing.
today's finish screen

today's report

Happy trails.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Rehydration Takes Time

Standing in the shower,,, or in a puddle... isn't how people rehydrate.
This morning at weigh-in I still weighed 3 pounds less than before yesterday's marathon, therefore re-hydration is not yet complete and I'm about 3 pints low.
The only practical way to re-hydrate is also the simplest way.
I also seem to have a craving for salt, so at the moment I'm having a snack consisting of an apple sliced into almost 20 thin slices, each slice sprinkled generously with sea salt.

Today's rowing was a timed hour but actual rowing time was less because I took several breaks.  The only goal for today was to row easy and equal or exceed 10K during the hour.
today's finish screen.
Today's report.
Happy trails.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Losing 8 Pounds In 3 Hours And Putting The iPhone In The Refrigerator

This is a phone screen view of the RowPro Oarbits app.  Everything is done in GMT instead of local time, to simplify things for everyone around the world in different time zones.  Today's marathon was scheduled for 14:00 GMT which was 0700 a.m. local time
The marathon remained scheduled instead of being canceled, because 2 Europeans signed up for the online marathon today.  That helped me decide to DO the marathon instead of doing what I really wanted which was almost anything but a marathon.
Two other guys joined!
When start time arrived, only one of the other two guys had checked in, Mr Rodriguez who is in France.  The official Oarbits protocol is for participants to check in 10 minutes before start time, but we decided to wait a bit longer for the third guy.
We waited 3 minutes for the missing rower to check in.
We waited 3 minutes past start time for Mr. Lohmeyer to check in and then we started without him.
In this screenshot you can tell that the start button has been clicked because the countdown timer has counted down from 15 to 5 seconds at the moment the screen was recorded.
Something happened with Mr Rodriguez's connection and his avatar disappeared from the session after he'd done about 10K.  So I did the remainder alone.  I might not have done it at all, except for him showing up, so I'm glad he was there for at least the start and the first 10K.
DNF means Did Not Finish.
When I checked Oarbits later, I saw that Mr Lohmeyer did show up, but he was later than we had waited.  He made another marathon session which he started at 1414 GMT, 14 minutes after the official and 11 minutes after the actual 1403 GMT start time for the marathon started by Mr. Rodriquez and me.
Mr. Lohmeyer had to do his marathon solo, but he did it in very good time.
As expected, the first half of the marathon was perfectly okay.  The 3rd quarter started to get a little uncomfortable.  I took two quick breaks during the first half, to change from wet to dry sweatbands and drink a pint of water.

I also slowed several times during the first 3/4 of the marathon, rowing with one hand while mopping face and head with a towel, to minimize sweat dripping onto the machine and floor.

By the time I was into the very last quarter of the marathon, after around 32,000 meters, that little comfort-loving voice in my head suddenly became extremely loud.  And... since I by that time I was rowing by myself with nobody else online to inspire me AND there is no prize money for doing the marathon, no matter how quickly it is finished... I heeded that voice and took a longer break.  During that break I started some music playing and change into a 3rd sweatband. And after resuming, I did the final quarter at a much more leisurely pace than the already gentle pace at which I'd been rowing the first 3 quarters.

To find out how much water would be needed to re-hydrate, I weighed myself before and after the marathon.  I lost 8 pounds, which means about 8 pints of water.  Most of it went toward humidifying the very dry air, some was retained in my clothes, and the remainder which hadn't been mopped with a towel dripped onto the floor and the C2.

So yes after losing 8 pounds of water I was a bit thirsty.  Of the 8 pints (128 ounces) of water lost during the marathon, I've already replenished all but 24 ounces.  The last 12 ounces of re-hydrating fluid shall be a beer.  After all,  this marathon WAS called The Last Chance Saloon Marathon.
 A little beer tastes very good when dehydrated.
But most of the re-hydration was done with plain water, like the woman pictured below who is re-hydrating with plain water.  (There were images of men drinking water, but women are easier on the eyes.)
Water is the main thing you need, to re-hydrate.
Here's the data pertinent to today's marathon:
A view of today's finish screen.
Today's RowPro session report for the marathon
After the marathon and while drinking water to re-hydrate, I got cold.  The room was 71 degrees F (21.7 degrees Celsius), so the cool room, dry air, plus a sweaty body and lots of cold water got me to be very chilly.  To remedy the chill, I went outside, where the temperature was 97 degrees F (36.1 degrees Celsius), got into the truck and closed the door.  Since the truck was out in the sun, it was probably about 120 or warmer inside (48.9 degrees Celsius). Nice and warm.

While sitting in the truck warming up, I listened to part of a baseball game on the radio.  Also, I became curious if my iPhone had a built-in temperature sensor which would tell exactly what the temperature was inside the truck.  So I searched the topic and found out that NO, the iPhone doesn't have a temperature sensor and also found that the highest recommended operating temperature for the iPhone, according to one source, is 95 degrees F.  So I turned off the phone while basking in the heat of the truck.

I didn't stay there very long,  only until I was warmed up.... because I forgot to take water to drink while in the truck.

After coming back into the house, I put the toasty-warm iPhone into the refrigerator so it could cool off to less than 96 degrees F before operating it again.

Happy trails.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Pasta'd In Vain

Because of the marathon scheduled for early this morning, last night I "carb-loaded" with a meal of spaghetti.  But then, I stayed up too late last night.  By late, I mean until early in the morning... a while after midnight.  And so I re-scheduled the marathon for tomorrow morning, to allow me to sleep in today.  So the pasta for carb-loading last night was in vain.  Pasta'd in vain.

But I didn't sleep in this morning and woke just a few minutes after the marathon had originally been scheduled.  So the marathon was re-scheduled in vain.

Diane asked, this morning, "are you going to do the marathon tomorrow?"  I really dislike marathons and so there may be a psychological problem involved here.  When she asked that question, I actually thought for a moment or two before answering that that question would be answered tomorrow.

Actually, I don't hate marathons.  I like the first half of a marathon, dislike the 3rd quarter and kinda very much dislike the last quarter of a marathon.

Today's rowing was an hour with several interruptions and total disregard of target heart zone while watching videos.
Today's finish screen view
Today's session report

Happy trails.

Friday, May 13, 2016

3600 Seconds Today, Marathon Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the SECOND to last day for anyone to do a marathon in the C2 marathon challenge.
The Marathon I scheduled for tomorrow still doesn't have anyone else signed up for it yet.  I'll do it alone if necessary, but company would be nice.  Since tomorrow is the second to last day for doing a marathon for Concept 2's Marathon Challenge, I named the scheduled online marathon session "Almost Last Chance Saloon Marathon".  I intend to celebrate afterwards with a shower on the outside followed by a beer on the inside.

Today's rowing session was an hour with heart rate zone set to 121 bpm,  +/- 5. 

finish screen
session report

Happy trails.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Swing Low, Slow Chariot

How fast would a humble donkey's heart beat, relative to its maximum, if it were pulling a chariot at an easy pace?  I'm guessing it would be in a zone compared to where my HR was during today's rowing.
One of the youtube recordings of Eric Clapton's rendition of Swing Low Sweet Chariot featured a photo of a humble donkey like the one at the top of this blog post...
Today's rowing work was done at a low but slightly elevated heart rate compared to the past few days.  Unlike the past few days, today there was a target heart rate zone.   It was derived from a formula found in Dr. Phil Maffetone's book, "The Maffetone Method," pages 58-59.  The resulting heart rate zone was still lower than heart zone #1, by almost 10 bpm. But I'm still taking it especially easy, while getting ready for doing a marathon on May 15th and so that was a perfectly lovely heart rate as far as I was concerned.
lovely heart rate target zone
Today's finish screen

Today's session report
Happy trails.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Interrupted Hour

The melody of an hour's rowing session was interrupted after 35 minutes and 28 seconds.
Today's rowing was supposed to be an hour online but it was interrupted by the doorbell and an unexpected visit.

The Interrupted Hour session report
To make up the balance of the hour, I did a 30 minute session after the unexpected visit.
Finish screen of the 30 minute make-up session.
Make-up session report
Yes... if you look closely at the reports you will notice that they are done at such an easy pace that the heart is barely stirring from its normal slumber.  That's because I'm continuing to hold back for an upcoming marathon which I've scheduled for the last day of the Concept 2 marathon challenge, May 15th.  On the website, in the Oarbits online list of scheduled rowing sessions, it is titled "Last Chance Marathon." 
You are most welcome to join.

Happy trails.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Yesterday and Today

Though there was a rowing session done yesterday, it wasn't posted.  So this is a two-fer regarding yesterday and today.

Yesterday's session was a little over an hour, done very easy because I'm conserving energy for a marathon in a few days. Yesterday's finish screen:
Yesterday's finish screen
 And yesterday's session report.

Yesterday's session report
There is only a report for today's, because no finish screen was captured:
Today's session report
 Below, is a summary of the indoor rowing pieces I've ranked so far this season.  Note that the pace for each of them, no matter what the distance or time, is about 2:15/500 meters.
Happy trails.