Saturday, May 7, 2016

10100 in Binary is 20 in Decimal

It could also be said that there are only 2 kinds of people-those who row and those who don't.
Today I rowed 10011101110100 meters in binary which is 10,100 meters in decimal.

Today's rowing was another multitude of sessions, like on May 5th.

Altogether, there were 8 sessions but unlike May 5th, I will only show a summary for most and details for only two. 

The first 5 were attempts to do the shortest distance which is possible to be ranked in the world famous Concept 2 Indoor Rowing World Standings.  That distance is only 100 meters. I tried five times to do it at an average pace of exactly 2:15 but could only get as close as 2:15.1.  Another one was 4 minutes, which is really only for kids but anybody can do it for World Rankings.  That one, I managed to do with an average pace of exactly 2:15.

The report below is for the main piece, a 30 minute session.
30 Minute Session Report
Next is the finish screen and report for the warm-down:
warm down finish screen
warm down session report
 And here is the summary, highlighted in blue, of all 8 pieces.

Happy trails.

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