Sunday, May 8, 2016

Surfing Without Pain For An Hour

While rowing, I watched photo slides of surf and people surfing...
Today's session was 60 minutes and was scheduled a day in advance online, in the hopes of having some company.  The name of my rowing session was "A Sunday Hour" and the description for it stated that I'd be rowing at a painless pace of 2:15 and that anyone at any pace was welcome. But as it turned out, there was another online session scheduled at the same time.

The other session was shorter by 30 minutes and it was titled "No pain no gain," which implied that the purpose was to row hard enough to suffer one's way to rowing performance enhancement.
The purposed-to-be painful 30 minute session was 12 times more popular than my easy hour.
Everyone else who rowed at that time online joined the purposely painful but shorter 30 minute session and I rowed alone. Afterwards, I looked at the result of the "No Pain No Gain" session to see what the paces were, so I could possibly understand why none of them joined my 60 minute session.  Did they desire more pain?  Or did they want less time on the rowing machine? The results lead me to conclude that some of them wanted more challenge and the pain that goes with it.  Others of them didn't row nearly as hard, so they probably just didn't want to row as long as an hour.  The ones with the in-between paces.... well, only they and God know whether it was painful or not. But in every case, it was only half as much time rowing as the 60 minute session that they avoided.
Some of the above rowers were definitely in the pain zone by the end of the 30 minutes but 4 of them rowed easier than I did.
You can be SURE that the hour was easy for me, because heart rate was below the lowest heart rate zone (that's zone #1) for 10 of the 20 splits, in heart rate zone #1 for nine of the twenty splits and heart rate barely raised up to the lower edge of zone #2 in only one of the 20 splits. (zone #1 is from 133 to 142, zone #2 begins at 143bpm).
Here's a view of the finish screen:
It was a peaceful, easy hour that someone like The Eagles could possibly appreciate.
Session report for today's easy hour.
Happy trails.

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