Sunday, May 1, 2016

It's Not Winslow Arizona

It's not Winslow, Arizona* but I'm taking it easy anyway.  Like yesterday and the day before.  And I didn't let the sound of my own [erg] wheel drive me crazy today while doing a half marathon.  Watched 3 or 4 more episodes of that TV series, while taking a long, long time to do a half marathon. 

Still conserving energy for a marathon before May 15th.

Today's half marathon finish screen.
Today's half marathon was probably the slowest I've ever done one of them.  Took several breaks for changing discs, etc. But even at the slow pace at which it was done, I still burned over 1,000 calories so .... depending on what's for supper, I might have seconds.
Today's lazy session report
* The reference to Winslow, Arizona is with thought in mind of one of the Eagles' most well known songs.  The photo at the top is someone's snapshot of the street corner in Winslow, Arizona which is designed in memory of that song, "Take It Easy."

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