Sunday, March 6, 2016

Another Relaxing Hour

Today's hour of rowing was relaxing and left me with me with an ethereal, floating, tingly feeling afterwards.  But I was so relaxed before pulling the first stroke, that it took a bit more of a mental nudge than usual to get started.

The only goals for today were to do the hour and do it with a bit more consistent effort than yesterday. The results for today compared to yesterday look about the same at first glance, but I felt that I focused better and was therefore more consistent today than yesterday.

Daily average meters after today's session = 8,283 meters/day.  Getting very near the minimum goal of 8,311/meters per day for this season.
Start screen of the erg's monitor, ready to count down from one hour.
Finish screen of RowPro after the session ended.
Today's session report.

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