Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Coffee - Friend and Faux

Today's coffee was both friend and faux - one of each.  Friend coffee was decaf instant.  (We are still out of regular coffee, though a parcel of regular coffee should be delivered tomorrow.)

The instant coffee is friend because when I look at it I don't try to rationalize or reason in any way to attempt to satisfy the left brain.  As far as Lefty is concerned ... just the facts matter and there is nothing to be happy or sad about.  Lefty lets Righty handle emotions.  Or so some people think, at least... so ... instead I just focus on qualities like "steaming hot," "lovely brown coffee color," "smells good," "tastes ... okay," etc ... without using any words...because Righty doesn't use words... and the right brain gathers and jumbles it all together with the result that it is as happy in a friendly fashion, with a cup of decaf instant, as it would be with a cup of regular coffee.

The other part of today's coffee, the faux, was the 1/2 No-Doz pill, 100 mg caffeine.

It is NOT coffee, but as any of the people in the documentary movie "Caffeinated" would agree...  it is the ingredient that puts spring in the steps and thoughts of coffee lovers. It doesn't take much at all, really.  "A little dab'l do ya...." ...as long as you are not excessively sleep deprived.

The plan for today's hour of indoor rowing was simply to maintain as consistent a pace as possible while watching the 4th episode of 4 in a documentary series on the history of mathematics.  The strategy for maintaining a consistent pace was simply to avoid reaching for the remote control once the documentary started. The ethereal element of indoor rowing was definitely enhanced by the documentary coverage of recent history of mathematics, including such topics as "Kurt Godel, who showed that the unknowable is an integral part of mathematics" and "Paul Cohen, who established that there are several different sorts of mathematics in which conflicting answers to the same question are possible."

All in all, the 4th episode was more "breathtaking" than the best episode of any of the Star Trek series or movies.
RowPro finish screen for today's session.
RowPro session report for today's finish screen.

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