Tuesday, April 26, 2016

10 K Online Part 2 of 2

Today I rowed with several other people but we were each in a different part of the world.
This is part 2 of 2 because this blog site won't let me put all the images in one post.  See the post titled "10 K Online Part 1 of 2 "for the beginning.
After the the Starter activates the countdown, a series of prompts appears. This prompt is instructing to watch the screen of the rowing machne's Personal Monitor.
There are a series of prompts on the screen.  The last prompt is the signal to begin rowing and is in large capital letters, ROW, on the Personal Monitor.  If the sound is turned on on your computer, there will also simultaneously be a voice from the speakers which says "Row!"  Everyone must wait until the signal to row or there will be a "false start" and whoever jumped the gun will have to stop rowing, let his flywheel come to a complete stop and say that he or she is ready for another countdown.
There was a false start.  Julien apologizes.
The Starter announces that the countdown will start over in 1 minute. Sergio Botti of Italy seems to have either dropped out or become disconnected, because there is now an X by  his name.
I'm not sure what Paul and Amadee are referring to but perhaps they noticed that I sprinted for part of the last 500 meters and are trying to be polite to an old man?
goodbyes are said and I leave.  Next, I join one of them in a 2K warmdown
In the warmdown we each tried to do the 2K in exactly 9 minutes but neither of us exactly did that.
Next, are today's two session reports, for the main 10K and also the warm down:
Main 10K report

warm down report

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