Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Fair Day and Ten K at 2:10

My favorite thing at the fair was the rodeo and my favorite events at the rodeo were bronco riding and barrel racing. That's bronco riding in the photo above, though that photo wasn't taken today - it is from a county fair in the past.
Because Diane and I wanted to visit the county fair on today, on its last day this year, I made sure to rise early and get the rowing done first thing.

There was an online Ten K scheduled at 1400 GMT so I signed up with that.  While waiting for 1400 GMT (0700 local time) to arrive, I did a 4K warmup.  After the 10K, a 5 minute warm down.

Something else Diane and I both enjoyed watching in the rodeo was the bull-riding. The bulls TOTALLY won the event! Not one single cowboy managed to stay on any of the bulls for the minimum time of 8 seconds.  Most of the cowboys were thrown almost instantly, within 3 seconds, give or take a little.  The longest one lasted about 7 seconds (out of curiosity, I used a stopwatch to time most of them).
This is another photo from some year in the past, of bull riding at the county fair. Nobody stayed on any of the bulls for as long as 8 seconds today.
The rowing goals today were to spend about an hour total, to do the 10K at an average pace of about 2:10 and to keep heart rate for the 10K between 133 and 163.

Below are finish screens and reports from today's rowing.  Forgot to snap a screenshot of the 10K finish screen, but did get the warm up and warm down finish screenshots.
4K warm up finish screen
warm up report
Online 10,000 meter session report.  The target was an average pace of 2:10
Warm down finish screen
warm down session report

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