Tuesday, April 26, 2016

10 K Online Part 1 of 2

I rowed with several other people today but we were each in a different part of the world.
This is part 1 of 2 because this blog site won't let me put all the images in one post.

Today there was an online 10K scheduled at an opportune time so I joined in. There were 7 total participants and I came in 4th place.  Three of the seven had problems or dropped out, so 4th place was also last place among those who finished.

For the sake of anyone who's curious to see a little of what happens before and after an online rowing session, there are a few chronological screenshots below, beginning with a view of the start screen and also a few snapshots of the "chat" before the race.  There usually isn't much more chat than necessary and etiquette only seems to be to say hi and respond appropriately if anyone addresses you.  A lot of people say goodbye also, but some just exit and go to do their shower or warm down.  Either way is okay.
Start screen
Saying hi.  I don't actually know any of these people though most of us have rowed together before.
More hellos
Paul announces he's going to click the Start button in 1 minute.

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