Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Kookaburra For A Hedgehog

Likeness of us drawn by Ruth
Yesterday instead of rowing, I waltzed off to the County Fair with Diane.  And today was a day to recover from the trip to the fair, so no rowing today either.

My favorite creatures at the fair this year  were a couple of visitors from Australia - two kookaburras.  A kookaburra is a bird with a unique call.  While we were standing next to their cage looking at them they were silent.  So I visited youtube on my phone, found a video recording of a kookaburra making its unique sounds, and played it.  When it started playing, the two kookaburras cocked their heads and looked at my hand which was holding the source of the kookaburra sounds they were hearing.  Then, they burst out in loud kookaburra singing of their own.

I did that several times and the kookaburras burst out in kookaburra song each time, over and over for a few minutes, to the delight of Diane and several other people who gathered around the kookaburra cage.

I'm not sure, but Diane's favorite creature might have been a little hedgehog, because once, while looking at a hedgehog, she exclaimed, "I want a hedgehog!"  I didn't respond with anything more than a smile.  But, thinking about it this morning, my tentative response is, "You can have a hedgehog if I can have a kookaburra."

Tomorrow I anticipate resuming rowing.  Since two days have passed without so much as a single stroke being pulled on the Concept 2 model D, perhaps tomorrow should be a half marathon?

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