Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Unhitched By A Glitch

Today's session had smooth sailing with heart data but after the first few thousand meters there was a glitch that caused the PM3 (the Concept 2 rowing machine's monitor) to lose its connection to RowPro.  So the 10 K had to be interrupted. Below this paragraph is a view of the "finish" screen of the first part of today's session.

Though the connection light is green on the bottom of RowPro, there was something wrong with the connection because I had been rowing but RowPro thought I was not rowing.
RowPro is telling me to "just start rowing again" even though I never stopped.
And next is the session report for the rowing up to the point where the glitch happened.
The data for heart rate is missing from the 8th split but the watts data seems correct.
The entire session was supposed to be an uninterrupted 10K done in heart zone 1.  Heart zone one was just barely touched in the first part, but the second part of today's approximate 10 K was well within heart zone 1.
The last part of today's rowing was comfortably within heart zone 1.
Final session report for final balance of today's rowing.

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